

A row in this table represents a reason an opportunity is no longer under consideration.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
archive_reason_id varchar 2147483647 null
account_survey_triggers.archive_reason_id account_survey_triggers_archive_reason_id_fkeyN
nurture_campaign_events.archive_reason_id nurture_campaign_events_archive_reason_id_fkeyN
nurture_campaign_step_archives.archive_reason_id nurture_campaign_step_archives_archive_reason_id_fkeyN
offer_events.archive_reason_id offer_events_archive_reason_id_fkeyN
opportunities.archive_reason_id opportunities_archive_reason_id_fkeyN
opportunity_progress_events.archive_reason_id opportunities_progress_events_archive_reason_id_fkeyN

Primary key.

account_id varchar 2147483647 null

ID of the account the record belongs to.

name varchar 2147483647 null

Plain text name of the archive reason

is_hired bool 1 null

TRUE if the candidate was hired for this consideration.

rank numeric 131089 null

Used to sort the stages in the correct order - goes from low \(earlier stage\) to high \(later stages\)

created_at timestamp 29,6 null

Date the object referred to in this entity was created.

is_deleted bool 1 false

TRUE if the source of data for the current entity has been deleted.

row_updated_at timestamp 29,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

Date this entity was updated in the database. Useful to setup incremental refreshes of the data in your periodic ETL job.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
archive_reasons_pkey Primary key Asc archive_reason_id
archive_reasons_account_archive_reason_idx Performance Asc/Asc account_id + archive_reason_id
archive_reasons_account_id_index Performance Asc account_id
