

A row in this table represents a nurture template, including metadata like name, steps and visibility.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
nurture_template_id varchar 2147483647 null
nurture_campaign_events.nurture_template_id nurture_campaign_events_nurture_template_id_fkeyN
nurture_campaigns.nurture_template_id nurture_campaigns_nurture_template_id_fkeyN

Primary key.

account_id varchar 2147483647 null

ID of the account the record belongs to.

name varchar 2147483647 null

The name of this nurture template.

step_count int4 10 null

Number of steps defined in this nurture template.

visibility varchar 2147483647 null

Describes who can see the template: “personal” or “shared”.

send_emails_as_replies bool 1 null

TRUE if new emails in campaigns that use this template are sent as replies to the original email by default.

created_at timestamp 29,6 null

When the template was created.

is_deleted bool 1 false

TRUE if the source of data for the current entity has been deleted.

owner_user_id varchar 2147483647 null
users.user_id nurture_templates_owner_user_id_fkeyN

ID of the owner of this nurture template.

row_updated_at timestamp 29,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

Date this entity was updated in the database. Useful to setup incremental refreshes of the data in your periodic ETL job.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
nurture_templates_pkey Primary key Asc nurture_template_id
nurture_templates_account_id_index Performance Asc account_id
nurture_templates_owner_user_id_idx Performance Asc owner_user_id
