

A row in this table represents a change event to a specific opportunity. Those events can be used to rebuild the history of an opportunity and derive useful metrics like time in stage etc… An enumeration of the types of events tracked is available in the table “opportunity_progress_event_enum”.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
account_id varchar 2147483647 null

ID of the account the record belongs to.

opportunity_id varchar 2147483647 null
opportunities.opportunity_id opportunities_progress_events_opportunity_id_fkeyC

ID of the opportunity connected to this entity.

archive_reason_id varchar 2147483647 null
archive_reasons.archive_reason_id opportunities_progress_events_archive_reason_id_fkeyN

ID of the archive reason.

actor_id varchar 2147483647 null
users.user_id opportunities_progress_events_actor_id_fkeyN

The user or system responsible for performing the action.

account_stage_id varchar 2147483647 null
account_stages.account_stage_id opportunities_progress_events_account_stage_id_fkeyN

ID of the stage associated with this record.

posting_id varchar 2147483647 null
postings.posting_id opportunities_progress_events_posting_id_fkeyN

ID of the posting connected to this entity.

requisition_id varchar 2147483647 null
requisitions.requisition_id opportunities_progress_events_requisition_id_fkeyN

ID of the requisition associated with this entity.

account_survey_id varchar 2147483647 null
account_surveys.account_survey_id opportunities_progress_events_account_survey_id_fkeyN

ID of the survey associated with this record.

survey_response_id varchar 2147483647 null
survey_responses.survey_response_id opportunities_progress_events_survey_response_id_fkeyN

ID of the survey response associated with this entity.

agency_id varchar 2147483647 null
agencies.agency_id opportunities_progress_events_agency_id_fkeyN

ID of the agency record

opportunity_progress_event_id varchar 2147483647 null
opportunity_progress_event_enum.opportunity_progress_event_id opportunities_progress_events_opportunity_progress_event_i_fkeyN

ID of the event type represented by this entity. See connected “enum” table for a list of the possible types.

event_date_id varchar 2147483647 null
dates.date_id opportunities_progress_events_event_date_id_fkeyN

ID of the date and time when the event occurred. It’s used in combination with the datetime dimension table to simplify the creation of temporal queries.

job_department_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_departments.job_department_id opportunities_progress_events_job_department_id_fkeyN

ID of the department associated with this record.

job_department_team_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_department_teams.job_department_team_id opportunities_progress_events_job_department_team_id_fkeyN

ID of the team associated with this record.

job_level_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_levels.job_level_id opportunities_progress_events_job_level_id_fkeyN

ID of the level used to capture the seniority of a position.

job_work_type_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_work_types.job_work_type_id opportunities_progress_events_job_work_type_id_fkeyN

ID of the work type. Can be any number of user configured values, defaults are Contract, Full-time, Intern, Part-time.

job_location_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_locations.job_location_id opportunities_progress_events_job_location_id_fkeyN

ID of a possible location value for job postings and requisitions.

event_at timestamp 29,6 null

Date and time when the event occurred.

rank numeric 131089 null

Used to sort the stages in the correct order - goes from low \(earlier stage\) to high \(later stages\)

stage_milestone_id varchar 2147483647 null
stage_milestone_enum.stage_milestone_id opportunities_progress_events_stage_milestone_id_fkeyN

ID of the milestone correspondent to current stage.

stage_pipeline_id varchar 2147483647 null
stage_pipeline_enum.stage_pipeline_id opportunities_progress_events_stage_pipeline_id_fkeyN

ID of the pipeline correspondent to current stage.

previous_account_stage_id varchar 2147483647 null
account_stages.account_stage_id opportunity_progress_events_previous_account_stage_id_fkeyN

ID of the previous pipeline stage of this entity.

previous_rank numeric 131089 null

Numeric rank of the previous stage for opportunity-advanced and opportunity-regressed events.

previous_event_at timestamp 29,6 null

Date and time when the previous event for the same opportunity occurred.

row_updated_at timestamp 29,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

Date this entity was updated in the database. Useful to setup incremental refreshes of the data in your periodic ETL job.

contact_id varchar 2147483647 null
contacts.contact_id opportunity_progress_events_contact_id_fkeyN

ID of the contact connected to this event.

is_confidential bool 1 false

TRUE if the posting related to the opportunity is confidential.

event_key varchar 2147483647 null
next_event_at timestamp 29,6 null

Date and time of the next event for the same opportunity_id. Is 9999-09-09T12:00:00Z if last event.

snoozed_time_in_seconds numeric 131089 null

Duration of snooze that fully occurs during the stage movement.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
opportunity_progress_events_pkey Primary key Asc event_key
opp_prog_events_account_stage_id_idx Performance Asc account_stage_id
opp_prog_events_job_department_id_idx Performance Asc job_department_id
opp_prog_events_job_department_team_id_idx Performance Asc job_department_team_id
opp_prog_events_job_level_id_idx Performance Asc job_level_id
opp_prog_events_job_location_id_idx Performance Asc job_location_id
opp_prog_events_job_work_type_id_idx Performance Asc job_work_type_id
opp_prog_events_opportunity_id_idx Performance Asc opportunity_id
opp_progress_events_contact_id_idx Performance Asc contact_id
opp_progress_events_posting_id_idx Performance Asc posting_id
opportunities_progress_events_account_id_index Performance Asc account_id
opportunity_progress_events_account_posting_idx Performance Asc/Asc account_id + posting_id
opportunity_progress_events_account_survey_id_idx Performance Asc account_survey_id
opportunity_progress_events_actor_id_index Performance Asc actor_id
opportunity_progress_events_agency_id_idx Performance Asc agency_id
opportunity_progress_events_archive_reason_id_idx Performance Asc archive_reason_id
opportunity_progress_events_event_id_dates_idx Performance Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc account_id + opportunity_progress_event_id + event_at + next_event_at
opportunity_progress_events_previous_account_stage_id_idx Performance Asc previous_account_stage_id
opportunity_progress_events_requisition_id_idx Performance Asc requisition_id
opportunity_progress_events_survey_response_id_idx Performance Asc survey_response_id
