

A row in this table represents a revision to an offer. It can be used with “offer_revision_fields” to find out what changed at what time on a specific offer, or to create stats about most changes most commonly made to offers.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
offer_revision_id varchar 2147483647 null
offer_events.offer_revision_id offer_events_offer_revision_id_fkeyC
offer_revision_fields.offer_revision_id offer_revision_fields_offer_revision_id_fkeyN
offers.last_sent_offer_revision_id Implied ConstraintR

Primary key.

offer_id varchar 2147483647 null
offers.offer_id offer_revisions_offer_id_fkeyN

ID of a specific offer.

job_department_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_departments.job_department_id offer_revisions_job_department_id_fkeyN

ID of the department associated with this record.

job_department_team_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_department_teams.job_department_team_id offer_revisions_job_department_team_id_fkeyN

ID of the team associated with this record.

job_level_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_levels.job_level_id offer_revisions_job_level_id_fkeyN

ID of the level used to capture the seniority of a position.

job_work_type_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_work_types.job_work_type_id offer_revisions_job_work_type_id_fkeyN

ID of the work type. Can be any number of user configured values, defaults are Contract, Full-time, Intern, Part-time.

job_location_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_locations.job_location_id offer_revisions_job_location_id_fkeyN

ID of a possible location value for job postings and requisitions.

created_at timestamp 29,6 null

Date the object referred to in this entity was created.

offer_status_id varchar 2147483647 null
offer_status_enum.offer_status_id offer_revisions_offer_status_id_fkeyN

ID of the status of this entity.

row_updated_at timestamp 29,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

Date this entity was updated in the database. Useful to setup incremental refreshes of the data in your periodic ETL job.

account_id varchar 2147483647 null

ID of the account the record belongs to.

approval_status_id varchar 2147483647 'NOT_APPLICABLE'::character varying
approval_status_enum.approval_status_id offer_revisions_approval_status_id_fkeyC

ID of the approval status for this offer revision.

revision_key varchar 2147483647 null

Key of the revision.

is_saved_internally bool 1 null

TRUE if the revision was saved for internal records.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
offer_revisions_pkey Primary key Asc offer_revision_id
offer_revisions_account_id_idx Performance Asc account_id
offer_revisions_job_department_id_index Performance Asc job_department_id
offer_revisions_job_department_team_id_index Performance Asc job_department_team_id
offer_revisions_job_level_id_index Performance Asc job_level_id
offer_revisions_job_location_id_index Performance Asc job_location_id
offer_revisions_job_work_type_id_index Performance Asc job_work_type_id
offer_revisions_offer_id_index Performance Asc offer_id
