Lever Reporting Data Documentation

Updated at Mon Aug 26 04:34 GMT 2024


Table / View Children Parents Columns Type Comments
agency_contacts 0 1 8 Table

A row in this table represents an agency’s primary contact information.

posting_event_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a type of event tracked in the table “posting_events”.

opportunities 19 9 25 Table

A row in this table represents an opportunity, which is the process of considering a candidate for a job \(including general opportunities\).

nurture_campaign_event_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a type of event tracked by “nurture_campaign_events”

external_message_participant_id_names 0 2 7 Table
approval_status_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible approval status of an object that have approval processes.

opportunity_progress_event_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a type of progress event available in the table “opportunity_progress_events”.

opportunity_education 0 3 12 Table

A row in this table represents a degree or other education achievement connected to an opportunity.

email_participants 0 2 7 Table
posting_distribution_channels 0 2 6 Table

A row in this table represents a connection between a posting and a distribution channel.

stage_pipeline_enum 2 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a pipeline of a stage \(lead, applicant, interview\) used to group similar milestones.

posting_approvers 0 2 8 Table
nurture_campaign_step_delays 0 3 11 Table

A row in this table represents the delay applied to an individual step of a nurture campaign. In product it’s called a “wait” step.

posting_status_enum 3 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible status of a job posting.

external_message_participants 2 4 8 Table
api_credential_tags 0 2 7 Table

A row in this table represents a tag associated with an api credential.

job_levels 7 0 6 Table

A row in this table represents a level of employment within the company \(deprecated\).

nurture_campaign_step_emails 0 4 9 Table

A row in this table represents an individual email sent in the context of a campaign.

email_templates 1 0 7 Table

A row in this table represents an email template in your Lever account.

account_survey_email_settings 0 3 6 Table

A row in this table represents an email configuration for a specific account survey. Connects to the email template and the event that triggers sending.

account_stages 10 2 14 Table

A row in this table represents a pipeline stage.

users 34 1 12 Table

A row in this table represents a user in your Lever account. Users can be recruiters, hiring managers, interviewers…

job_department_teams 9 1 7 Table

A row in this table represents a team that belongs to a department advertised along with job postings.

contact_consent_status_enum 2 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents the status a contact’s consent.

tags 3 0 4 Table

A row in this table represents a tag.

nurture_campaign_step_snoozes 0 2 7 Table

A row in this table represents tracks the duration of the snooze selected for a specific campaign.

api_credential_sources 0 2 7 Table

A row in this table represents associates an api credential with a source tag.

offer_status_enum 4 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible status an offer can be in.

opportunity_progress_events 0 20 30 Table

A row in this table represents a change event to a specific opportunity. Those events can be used to rebuild the history of an opportunity and derive useful metrics like time in stage etc… An enumeration of the types of events tracked is available in the table “opportunity_progress_event_enum”.

survey_response_answers 0 1 11 Table

A row in this table represents an answer to a specific question on a specific survey.

agency_sources 0 2 8 Table

A row in this table represents associates an agency with its source tag.

agencies 4 0 8 Table

A row in this table represents an external agency setup in your Lever account.

emails 4 0 6 Table

A row in this table represents an email sent to a candidate. Note: we don’t currently connect emails to templates as the latter are not currently versioned.

contact_residing_country 0 1 4 Table

A row in this table represents the country of residence of a candidate in your Lever account.

job_work_types 7 0 6 Table

A row in this table represents a type of employment within the company.

requisition_event_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a type of event tracked in the table “requisition_events”.

email_participant_enum 1 0 2 Table
nurture_campaign_steps 4 3 10 Table

A row in this table represents a discrete step in a specific nurture campaign. Can be used to analyze how many campaign steps have been executed, and how many are lined up for the future.

origin_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible origin \(sources, applied, referral, etc\) for an opportunity.

posting_tags 0 2 7 Table
interview_panels 3 3 16 Table

A row in this table represents an interview panel, intended as an group of individual interviews administered \(usually\) by different users to the same candidate.

opportunity_feedback_events 0 17 27 Table

A row in this table represents a feedback provided by a user in your Lever account \(could be an interview, a resume review…\).

interview_panel_interviewers 0 4 16 Table

A row in this table represents an interviewer on an individual interview. More than one interviewer can participate to any single interview.

offer_revisions 3 8 14 Table

A row in this table represents a revision to an offer. It can be used with “offer_revision_fields” to find out what changed at what time on a specific offer, or to create stats about most changes most commonly made to offers.

offer_approvers 0 2 8 Table

A row in this table represents a connection between an offer and the people involved in its approval.

external_message_participant_enum 1 0 2 Table
offers 4 5 19 Table

A row in this table represents an offer.

eeo_source_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible source for Equal Employment Opportunity responses. Can be apply-page, email or survey.

contact_name 0 1 4 Table

A row in this table represents the name of a candidate in your Lever account.

form_templates 9 2 9 Table

A row in this table represents a form used to collect information about an opportunity. All individual fields and pre-configured values \(if any\) can be reconstructed by using form_template_fields and form_template_fields_options.

nurture_campaign_events 0 13 20 Table

A row in this table represents an event regarding a specific campaign. The possible values are listed in “nurture_campaign_event_enum”.

external_messages 4 2 9 Table
opportunity_form_field_values 0 3 13 Table

A row in this table represents an input into a form added by a user or a candidate \(applications\).

requisition_approvers 0 2 11 Table

A row in this table represents a connection between a requisition and the people involved in its approval.

opportunity_form_field_scores 1 4 11 Table

A row in this table represents a score associated to a form submission. Scores associated with scorecards might also have a comment.

offer_events 0 18 26 Table

A row in this table represents a change event regarding a specific offer. The types of events tracked are available in “offer_event_enum”.

posting_lists 0 1 7 Table

A row in this table represents a list that compose the middle of the posting.

requisition_fields 0 2 13 Table

A row in this table represents a value of a custom field on a requisition.

nurture_campaigns 7 3 12 Table

A row in this table represents a campaign involving a candidate tied to a specific opportunity.

external_message_entity_enum 1 0 2 Table
opportunity_form_event_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a type of progress event available in the table “opportunity_form_events”. Currently only one type of event is tracked but this table exists for future proofing purposes.

posting_events 0 13 21 Table

A row in this table represents an event pertinent to a specific posting. Useful to answer questions like “how long does it take us on average to approve a posting”. The types of events tracked are in “posting_event_enum”.

account_survey_triggers 1 3 8 Table

A row in this table represents an event that will trigger sending the survey by email.

contacts 23 0 6 Table

A row in this table represents a candidate in your Lever account.

job_departments 10 0 6 Table

A row in this table represents a department in the company advertised along with job postings.

email_events 0 8 14 Table

A row in this table represents an event related to a specific message. The type of events are listed in “email_event_enum”. Useful to create reports around emails sent, opened or had a link clicked.

offer_event_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a type of event tracked by “offer_events” table.

account_surveys 4 2 10 Table

A row in this table represents a survey. The type column indicates the type of survey (diversity, candidate-experience, etc).

contact_organization_summary 0 1 4 Table

A row in this table represents a summary of the organizations extracted from the candidate’s resume.

data_requests 0 3 12 Table

A row in this table represents a request by a candidate for action to be taken on their data.

posting_locations 0 2 6 Table

A row in this table represents a location assigned to a job posting

nurture_campaign_delay_enum 2 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible value of delay in “nurture_campaign_step_delays”

form_template_fields 2 2 10 Table

A row in this table represents a field on a specific form.

survey_responses 3 2 11 Table

A row in this table represents a response to a survey by a candidate, can be comprised of multiple questions and answers. See survey_response_answers.

external_message_service_enum 2 0 2 Table
contact_consent_events 0 7 14 Table

A row in this table represents the candidate’s permission \(or denial\) to various data retention and use actions \(like sending emails, storing personal data etc…\). Candidates are Data Subjects within GDPR, these events helps you track your compliance with GDPR related rules \(if they apply to your business\).

form_field_type_enum 3 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible type of form field.

requisition_events 0 13 21 Table

A row in this table represents an event pertinent to a specific requisition. The types of events tracked are in “requisition_event_enum”.

contact_consent_event_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a type of consent event request.

nurture_campaign_status_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible status a campaign in “nurture_campaigns” can be in.

interview_panel_interviews 3 2 13 Table

A row in this table represents an individual interview performed in the context of an interview panel.

opportunity_forms 7 8 16 Table

A row in this table represents a connection between an opportunity form event and a form. Forms in Lever are used to collect structured data about a candidacy.

email_event_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a type of event tracked by “email_events”

nurture_campaign_email_addresses 0 1 6 Table

A row in this table represents an email address a specific campaign was started for.

opportunity_tags 0 2 7 Table

A row in this table represents a connection between an opportunity and the tags associated with it.

posting_location_type_enum 2 0 3 Table

A row in this table represents the type of location for a job posting

stage_milestone_enum 2 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a milestone of a stage \(lead, applicant, screen, onsite, offer\) used to group similar stages.

external_message_participant_contacts 0 3 8 Table
posting_forms 0 2 7 Table

A row in this table represents a posting application question and its distribution

agency_jobs 0 2 7 Table

A row in this table represents an assignment of a job posting to an agency.

opportunity_eeo 0 2 7 Table

A row in this table represents a response to the EEO survey by a candidate for a specific opportunity.

contact_web_links 0 1 8 Table

A row in this table represents a url link belonging to a candidate in your Lever account. Usually stores online profile, personal sites, portfolios and other useful info about the candidate.

dates 12 0 13 Table

A row in this table represents a specific date with columns to afford grouping of dates by month, quarter, half, etc.

distribution_channel_enum 2 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible type of distribution channel for postings.

form_template_field_options 0 2 8 Table

A row in this table represents a possible pre-configured option for a specific form field on a specific form.

job_locations 10 0 7 Table

A row in this table represents a location in the company advertised along with job postings.

opportunity_form_events 0 15 22 Table

A row in this table represents a change event to a specific form connected to an opportunity. The type of events tracked in this table are available in the table “opportunity_form_event_enum”.

postings 20 9 29 Table

A row in this table represents a job posting.

contact_consent_activity_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents an activity performed at the consent of a contact.

contact_phones 0 1 6 Table

A row in this table represents a phone number belonging to a candidate in your Lever account.

opportunity_source_type_enum 1 0 3 Table

A row in this table represents a type of opportunity source.

contact_location 0 1 11 Table
api_credentials 2 1 12 Table

A row in this table represents an API key to access Data API endpoints.

requisition_postings 0 2 4 Table

A row in this table represents a connection between a requisition and job posting.

sources 3 0 4 Table

A row in this table represents a source \(Github, AngelList, Dribbble etc…\).

contact_emails 0 1 5 Table

A row in this table represents an email belonging to a candidate in your Lever account.

opportunity_form_fields 3 4 11 Table

A row in this table represents a form field on an opportunity form.

nurture_campaign_action_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible type of action by a step in “nurture_campaign_steps”

requisition_status_enum 3 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible status of a requisition.

form_type_enum 2 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a possible type of form.

offer_revision_fields 0 2 16 Table

This is where an offer’s custom fields are stored.

user_role_enum 1 0 3 Table

A row in this table represents a role that is assigned to a Lever user

opportunity_sources 0 3 10 Table

A row in this table represents a connection between an opportunity and a source.

opportunity_referrals 0 5 12 Table

A row in this table represents a connection between an opportunity and its referrer.

eeo_responses 1 1 9 Table

A row in this table represents a response to an Equal Employment Opportunity \(EEO\) standard form survey.

archive_reasons 6 0 8 Table

A row in this table represents a reason an opportunity is no longer under consideration.

nurture_campaign_step_archives 0 3 7 Table

A row in this table represents the archive reason configured for this specific campaign.

account_survey_type_enum 1 0 2 Table

A row in this table represents a survey. Currently this table contains only diversity surveys but it will grow in the future.

survey_response_tracking 0 1 10 Table

A row in this table represents a key:value pair meant to hold dimensional information that we want to save at the time the survey was taken. For example, we could have “key:postingTeam”, “value:Engineering” to capture the fact that the postings was linked to the team “Engineering” when the respondent took the survey.

posting_followers 0 2 6 Table

A row in this table represents a follower of a posting.

requisitions 12 7 38 Table

A row in this table represents a requisition.

nurture_templates 2 1 10 Table

A row in this table represents a nurture template, including metadata like name, steps and visibility.

opportunity_form_field_files 0 4 13 Table

A row in this table represents a file uploaded through a form submission.