

A row in this table represents a location assigned to a job posting


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
posting_location_id varchar 2147483647 null

Primary key uniquely identifying the posting location

posting_id varchar 2147483647 null
postings.posting_id posting_locations_posting_id_fkeyR

The id of the posting this location is assigned to

job_location_id varchar 2147483647 null
job_locations.job_location_id posting_locations_job_location_id_fkeyR

The location id of location that is assigned to the posting

account_id varchar 2147483647 null

The account_id of that the posting belongs to

posting_location_rank int4 10 null

The numerical order of the posting on the location

row_updated_at timestamp 29,6 null

When the row was last updated


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
posting_locations_pkey Primary key Asc posting_location_id
posting_locations_account_id_idx Performance Asc account_id
posting_locations_job_location_id_idx Performance Asc job_location_id
posting_locations_posting_id_idx Performance Asc posting_id
